Dr. Christine Guzman (she/her/hers)
[email protected]
Madeline Hisamoto (she/her/hers)
Title IX Deputy Coordinator
[email protected]
Pitzer的第九条办公室可以通过电话,电子邮件或视频会议联系. 任何受到任何形式的性别歧视(包括基于性别的骚扰或性骚扰)影响或有问题的人, stalking, dating or domestic violence, sexual assault, 和性剥削),鼓励联系第九章办公室作出报告和/或获得援助. 无论是否提出正式投诉,都可获得支持性措施和资源.
匹泽学院致力于为我们社区的所有成员和访客提供一个包容的教育和工作环境. 符合本规定并符合适用法律, including Title IX, 《推荐十大正规网赌网站》和2013年《推荐十大正规网赌网站》, Pitzer维护着一个全面的项目,旨在保护社区成员免受不当性行为的侵害, including sexual harassment and sexual assault, stalking, and dating violence. 这包括针对所有新生的预防和教育计划, bystander intervention training (Teal Dot), 以及全年提供的推荐十大正规网赌网站同意和健康关系等主题的讲习班.
针对性别歧视,匹泽有两项截然不同的政策 Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy and a Discrimination/Harassment/Sexual Misconduct Policy (hereafter “Discrimination/Harassment Policy”). 第九条性骚扰政策是基于美国法律最近颁布的法规中提出的定义.S. 根据1972年《推荐十大正规网赌网站》第九章的规定, which took effect on August 14, 2020. Pitzer的第九条政策将第九条性骚扰的范围限制在美国的TCC教育项目或活动中发生的行为, 以及联邦法规对性骚扰的定义. 为了解决不属于第九条性骚扰监管定义的性别歧视和性行为不端事件, Pitzer also has a Discrimination/Harassment policy. These policies are interrelated and must be read together.
Pitzer现有的歧视/骚扰政策适用于不属于第九条性骚扰政策范围的性别歧视和骚扰, 包括性剥削和非第九条性骚扰. 歧视/骚扰政策也适用于投诉某些行为,否则将被禁止根据第九章性骚扰政策(e.g., Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking under the Title IX Sexual Harassment policy), 但必须根据第九章性骚扰政策予以驳回,因为该行为不在最近颁布的第九章规定的第九章有限管辖范围内.
Helpful Information
获取有关机密资源和其他支持资源的更多信息, including counseling through the EmPOWER Center, please visit www.7csupportandprevention.com.
This infographic (PDF)也有克莱蒙特地区的支持资源信息, but while classes are online, national resources such as www.rainn.org 可以很有帮助,可以帮助你联系当地的支持,无论你在哪里.
Notice of Nondiscrimination
Pitzer College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, pregnancy status, age, marital status, religion, disability, national origin, ethnic origin, or prior military service in any of its policies, procedures, and practices, including admission policies, educational policies, fellowship and loan programs, employment policies, and other Institute-administered programs and activities. 本声明符合1972年《推荐十大正规网赌网站》第九条的规定, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and other requirements of Federal and state law. 推荐十大正规网赌网站第九条适用的问题应直接向第九条协调员提出, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights, or both.
Reporting Options and Online Reporting Form
Reports of sex discrimination, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, sexual assault, stalking, dating/domestic violence, 和性剥削,可以通过电子邮件([email protected]) or by phone (909.607.2958); in-person when in-person classes resume (Broad Center, Room 212 – by appointment); by scheduling a video or phone meeting; or by utilizing the Online Reporting Form below. 匿名举报是允许的,但可能会限制学院有效回应的能力.
您也可以联系DSHM的高级主管和第九条推荐十大正规网赌网站报告选项的问题, the availability of support measures, or to discuss any of your rights and options. 你不必决定是否报告与DSHM和第九条的高级主任会面, 是否披露任何具体信息,始终由您决定.
或者,也可以向以下列出的任何匹泽的投诉官员报告, regardless if you are a student, faculty member, staff member or third party. 他们应将所有披露或报告通知DSHM高级主管和第九条, but they can assist you with first steps in the process.